The Vault of Ideas

A place for an amateur scientist to share unconventional and potentially embarassing ideas.


My name is Diego Alves and I'm an amateur scientist. Nothing in this life gives me more pleasure than sitting on my own thinking of cool new things, to make people's lives a little better. You can support my ways through donations or through a longer patronage agreement, both in the end of this page. I hope you will have a good time browsing through my ideas as I had having them. Thanks, and leave a comment if you would like. 

Diego Alves

Diego Alves

Diego Alves

If you are also interested in knowing more about Brazilian music, you can read the ideas listening to this selected soundtrack [YouTube].

In case you can't read my handwriting, see here.

Look out for the Friendly Dino! Pages with this symbol are specially prepared to engage kids in Science, under an adult supervision. 

It is also suitable for your inner child if you are a grown up.


For easy access, there is a complete listing of the ideas here.


For easy access, there is a complete listing of the work on ideas here.

CO2 Capture in Vehicles

Shields, the Quest

Gold and X-rays

Gravitic Motor



Filtering Atoms, a Sequel 1

Cash Flow Drawing Tool

Primes, the Search 2

Squares Problem

Work Flow

Filtering Atoms, a Sequel 2


Restaurant Business

Past Challenges

[Findings Published in 30/10/2022] Challenge #1 on Idea #150: The Fruits Challenge 

Tips Jar ->

The QR code on the right will take you to the same place as the golden Donation's Button.

For donations from Brazil, it is best to go through PagSeguro/UOL; click here and I will get you there.

Para doações do Brasil, é melhor fazê-las pelo site da PagSeguro/UOL; Clique neste link e lhe levarei para lá.

[10/07/2022 07:15AM GMT-3] I'm working to get a different service to make the donations operational, Paypal died on me :'(

[15/07/2022 00:31AM GMT-3] I switched the donation system to a setup using Donorbox and STRIPE. It should be up and running, as well as enabling more payment options. Should you run into problems, don't hesitate to contact me here

[COMMENT] Seven months or until the next doomsday asteroid, whatever comes first. According to the news we should have about two of them per day. 


In the past, there were patrons who would take a spirited mind into their cloth and the most remarkable works of marble, science and literature would be created. Today, it seems we have lost this practice somehow. Couldn't we revive this old tradition, perhaps giving it a modern form?

I am seeking for a patron that would grant me a modest funding to work, all day, in my ideas. In exchange, this patron would receive exclusive and irrestrictive rights to the work produced. 

This arrangement is mutually beneficial, I receive what I need in order to do what I can do best: to think and create. I move away from the distracting hassles of making a living. In exchange, I relinquish to the opportunities that could present themselves if I ventured to term with my ideas, alone.

It is more than a fair deal. In fairness, there is considerable risk that you must be made aware of. I simply cannot promise you that there will be a brilliant idea tomorrow, despite all my best efforts and transparency. All I can promise is you'll have from me my absolute best, after all, I'll be strongly motivated; and that I'll always be forthcoming.

Regarding this proposal, you can contact directly in the e-mail:  dalves.ufscar[at]

Replace [at] for an at sign, @

BANNER IMAGE CREDITS: NASA, ESA, and The Hubble Heritage Team (STScI/AURA)

Want to know more about this image? Follow this external link.